Oktay Özden
Curriculum Vitae, December 2024
E-mail: [email protected]
Birth: 1994, Türkiye
2020-2025 Ph.D. in Economics, Istanbul Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey
Research Area: Inequality and Post-COVID Inflation in a Two Household SFC Model for the UK Economy.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Erinç Yeldan
2017-2020 MA in Economics, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey
Thesis: Production, Profit, and Money: Classical Theory of Inflation and Its Application to European Countries
Supervisor: Dr. Nedim Süalp
2012-2017 BA in Economics, Kemerburgaz University, Istanbul, Turkey
5/2020-Present Research Assistant, Istanbul 29 Mayıs University, Department of Economics
Courses assisted: Intermediate Microeconomics Iⅈ Intermediate Macroeconomics Iⅈ Turkish Economy; Current Topics in Economics II, Big Data Analytics
8/2019-4/2020 Data Scientist, Intellity AI Solutions, İstanbulI worked on text mining methodologies, analyzing Twitter real-time data, customer suggestions, complaints, and demands data. I also developed churn data prediction-based R Shiny Web application. It generates real-time customer churn risk scores. Details of these works are presented in the following Projects part.
2022, April Best Presentation, 17 April 2022, Why R Turkey 2022
2016, Sep Academic Achievement Awards, 15 Sep 2016, Kemerburgaz University
2016, May Best Academic Research, 12 May 2016 Congreconomics II.,
Marmara University
English: (Fluent) Turkish: (Native)
Özden, O. Bolkol, H.K., Demirel, B. (2024) The Endogenous Money Hypothesis: An Empirical Evidence from Türkiye 2008-2020, PSL Quarterly Review, [E-SCI] (Link)
Ozden, O., & Bolkol, H. K. (2023). Shaikh’s Theory of Inflation: Empirical Evidence from European Countries (2001–20). Review of Political Economy, 1-21. [E-SCI] (Link)
Özden, O. (2017). Discouraged workers in the Turkish Labor Market: 1988-2014. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 3(3), 734-750. [ULAKBİLİM] (Link)
Book Chapters
Heterodox Theories of Inflation and Stagnation, Routledge Handbook of Heterodox Economics, (expected in 2025)
Book Reviews
Özden, O. (2023). Türkiye ekonomisinin yapısı: by Özgür Orhangazi (Istanbul: İmge Kitapevi, 2020). Rethinking Marxism, 36(1), 124–130. [E-SCI] (Link)
Özden, O. (2023). Dong Wang and Dejun Cao, Re-Globalisation: When China Meets the World Again (Routledge, London, UK 2020, ISBN 978-1-0031-2693-5) 168 pp. Review of Keynesian Economics, [SSCI] (Link)
Özden, O. (2022). The Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal: The Political Economy of Saving the Planet, Trakya Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi E-Dergi, 2022, Book Review, [ULAKBİLİM] (Link)
Post-COVID Inflation Dynamics and Its Distributional Effects in the UK: A Two Household SFC Model (expected in 2025-2026)
Topictisat ile İktisatçıların Twitter Verilerinin Analizi: İktisatçılar ekonomi gündemini nasıl okuyor?, 2022
Eichner’s Megacorps and Oligopoly: Post-Keynesian analysis of pricing pattern for Turkish Industries, 2021
- Post-COVID Inflation Dynamics and Its Distributional Effects in the UK: A Two Household SFC Model, 2024;
- presented at the 2. İktisat ve Toplum Kongresi , TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi, Ankara, 19-20th December 2024
- presented at the Historical Materialism 2024 Istanbul Conference, Istanbul Kadir Has University, Istanbul, 5-7th April 2024
- Gelir ve Servet Eşitsizliğinin Dinamikleri: Post-Keynezyen Yaklaşımda Stok Akım Tutarlılığı Model Önerisi, 2023;
- İktisadi Düşünceler Tarihi Denizli Çalıştayı’nda sunuldu, İktisadi Düşünce Girişimi, Pamukkale Üniversitesi, Denizli, 12-12 Ekim 2023
- “Understanding the causality among monetary aggregates: An Empirical Evidence from Turkey 2008-2020″ (with Hakkı Kutay Bolkol and Baki Demirel), 2022;
- presented at the 8th ICE-TEA, International Conference of Economics orginized by Turkish Economic Associations Economics, in Cappodocia University, Nevşehir, Turkey, 1-4 Sep 2022
- “Revisiting Shaikh’s Theory of Inflation: An Empirical Analysis from European Countries” (with Hakkı Kutay Bolkol);
- presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics, in association with SOAS, the University of London, 6-8 July 2022, London, U.K.
- presented at the Historical Materialism 2022 Istanbul Conference, Istanbul Kadir Has University, Istanbul, 17th April 2022
- “Topictisat ile İktisatçıların Twitter Verilerinin Analizi: İktisatçılar ekonomi gündemini nasıl okuyor?”;
- presented at Why R Turkey 2022, İstanbul, Turkey
- “Canada Securities Transition Office problem: COVID and Global Capital Flows”
- presented at Extended Problem Solving Workshop, The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Canada
- “Eichner’s Megacorps and Oligopoly: Post-Keynesian analysis of pricing pattern for Turkish Industries”;
- presented at Asos Congress – Social and Humanities Sciences, in Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, 27th September 2018
- “Discouraged Workers in the Turkish Labor Market: 1988-2014″;
- presented at Congreconomics II, Marmara University, Istanbul, 12th May 2016;
- presented at 19th International Students’ Conference on Economics, Ege University, Izmir, 27-29th April 2016
Post-Keynesian Economics Society
Association for Heterodox Economics
R (Advanced) Stata (Advanced) Python (Intermediate) Eviews (Intermediate)
UK-SFC APP is a project based on R Shiny– Large scale differential equation system, parallel programming, GPU computing
This application is based on a Stock-Flow Consistent (SFC) model designed to analyze income and wealth inequality, post-COVID inflation dynamics, and distributional processes in the UK economy. This web application developed with R Shiny provides interactive future simulation based on incomes policy to combat inflation and inequality between workers and rentiers.
Topictisat –Twitter Shiny Dashboard –Text Mining, Wordclous, Biagram Methodology
It is a web dashboard developed through R. In this project, the Twitter data of 102 economists, who have actively used Twitter, is analyzed. I classify two groups such as heterodox and mainstream economists. And then, I will empirically analyze the perceptive and sensorial differences in their economic agenda. Topictisat has automatically collected weekly Twitter data since January 2022. It works actively on the website below. Moreover, Topictisat was awarded by Why R Turkey 2022 committee with 250$ book gift.
Packages: shiny, plumber, plyr, mfx, forcats, dplyr, ggplot2, plotly, etc.
Web: https://oktayozden.shinyapps.io/topictisat/
Spectra AI – R based Churn Data Analysis – Logistic regression, bar & pie graphs
I developed it for Istanbul based security firm. It is the most prominent firm in the market.
Its operation was conducted for 81 different provinces of Turkey. Spectra AI is a shiny app
that uses logistic regression techniques to understand the churn risk of real-time customers.
It estimates churn probability scores of each customers minutes by minutes.
Packages: shiny, plumber, plyr, mfx, forcats, dplyr, ggplot2, plotly, etc.
Git: Data is private!
R Shiny Text Mining Project – Biagram Methodology, Frequency Bar Plots, Wordcloud, Biagram
It is a Shiny web-app project completed for Istanbul Municipality. It analyses real-time data, including public complaints, suggestions, and demands. It briefly summarizes real-time daily data which have come from people who are passengers, retired, workers, etc.
Packages: shiny, forcat, igraph, ggraphy, plotly, dplyr, snowballc, quanteda, plumber, etc.
Git: Data is private!
Covid19 Shiny Dashboard – Leaflet project, map visualization, web data reading, etc.
Real-time covid 19 data visualization; covid19 cases & death data. I use leaflet packages to visualize World map. It also visualizes country-specific cases and comparisons between countries.
Packages: Shiny, leaflet, ggplot2, lubridate, janitor, gdata, httr, etc.
Git: https://github.com/oktayozden/R-shiny-COVID19Dashboard
Prof. Dr. Erinç Yeldan
Email: [email protected]
Istanbul Kadir Has University, Department of Economics
Cibali, Kadir Has Cd. 14083 Fatih/İstanbul
Prof. Dr. Özgür Orhangazi
Email: [email protected]
Istanbul Kadir Has University, Department of Economics
Cibali, Kadir Has Cd. 14083 Fatih/İstanbul
Prof. Dr. Sevil Acar
E-mail: [email protected]
Boğaziçi University, Department of Tourism Administration
Hisar Campus, TR-34342, Bebek Istanbul, TURKEY
Phone: +90 212 359 7182
Dr. Nedim Süalp (MA Supervisor)
Email: [email protected]
Marmara University, Department of Economics
Istanbul, TURKEY