Özden, O. Bolkol, H.K., Demirel, B. (2024) The Endogenous Money Hypothesis: An Empirical Evidence from Türkiye 2008-2020, PSL Quarterly Review, [E-SCI] (Link)
Ozden, O., & Bolkol, H. K. (2023). Shaikh’s Theory of Inflation: Empirical Evidence from European Countries (2001–20). Review of Political Economy, 1-21. [E-SCI] (Link)
Özden, O. (2017). Discouraged workers in the Turkish Labor Market: 1988-2014. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 3(3), 734-750. [ULAKBİLİM] (Link)
Book Chapters
Heterodox Theories of Inflation and Stagflation, Routledge Handbook of Heterodox Economics, 2nd edition, (expected in 2025)
Book Reviews
Özden, O. (2023). Türkiye ekonomisinin yapısı, by Özgür Orhangazi (Istanbul: İmge Kitapevi, 2020) Rethinking Marxism, 2021, Book Review, [E-SCI] (Link)
Özden, O. (2023). Dong Wang and Dejun Cao, Re-Globalisation: When China Meets the World Again (Routledge, London, UK 2020, ISBN 978-1-0031-2693-5) 168 pp. Review of Keynesian Economics, [SSCI] (Link)
Özden, O. (2022). The Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal: The Political Economy of Saving the Planet, Trakya Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi E-Dergi, 2022, Book Review, [ULAKBİLİM] (Link)
Work in progress
Post-COVID Inflation Dynamics and Income Distribution in the UK: A Two Household SFC Model (expected in 2025-2026)
Topictisat ile İktisatçıların Twitter Verilerinin Analizi: İktisatçılar ekonomi gündemini nasıl okuyor?, 2022
Eichner’s Megacorps and Oligopoly: Post-Keynesian analysis of pricing pattern for Turkish Industries, 2021
PhD Thesis: Inequality, post-COVID Inflation and Incomes Policy in a Two Household SFC Model for the UK Economy.
Master Thesis: Production, profit and money: Classical theory of inflation and its application to European countries (Link)
Research Areas: SFC modeling and Heterodox theories of money, inflation, and distribution.